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ETHERA, a planet in the METAVERSE Galaxy, located in -7° 30' 2015 Declination, is home to a diversified ecosystem, where the natives make their living by mining its most valued resources - ETH, and it's not an easy job!

One day, MERGETEOR dropped down and completely changed ETHERA's existing geological characteristics, making the extraction of ETH even harder. Dealing with this catastrophe, the elite workforce of ETHERA - often referred to as "The Miners", have to look for new ways to survive through these harsh times.

They decided to go deeper under the ground, where Trait Sniper ecosystem has become more powerful after the merge. All miners are welcome to utilize all Trait Sniper's must-have tools to help miner rebuild their golden age. We call them Trait miners, the next generation of miners on the ETHERA planet.
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